A Living at Home/Block Nurse Perspective on Long-Term Care Financing

Thanks to Barbara La Valleur, who directs a local block nurse program in St. Paul: . She wrote this letter to the editor in today’s Minneapolis Star Tribune about
how her organization’s work is keeping people at home longer, at a much
lower cost than institutional care . . . and outlines the opportunity
we have to radically change how we fund local solutions to helping
people live the way they desire . . .

Your July 9 editorial about reaching out to help seniors
live at home and the challenges of Meals on Wheels programs is a drop
in the tidal wave bucket before the inevitable Aging Tsunami crashing
our way.

Latest figures show that more and more seniors are living longer and
most have the same goal: to remain in their homes for as long as
possible. Meals on Wheels is a valuable service that supports their
goal. That’s also what the Living at Home/Block Nurse Programs
do for Minnesota seniors.